October 20th 1964.


Fotografija: Lawrence Jackson, Public
domain, via Wikimedia Commons

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris is certainly not the person to be in President Biden's shadow.


Born in California on October 20th 1964., she graduated in law from Harvard and has advanced to California’s most prestigious law firms.


She defended immigrant rights, has advocated for health care reform, advocated for a ban on gun use, and most proved strong and uncompromising in questioning Trump’s administration officials in the Senate. We know that she is the first woman vice president of America, and she is also of African-Asian-American origin.


She is a very rational person who is excellently prepared for any discussion, she is prepared with arguments. But she would not be so successful if she does not have strict moral principles, exceptional courage, combativeness and perseverance. With her sharp verbal expression, she discourages those who oppose her. She will always stand up for the weak and for disenfranchised. She is extremely capable of organizing and mobilizing people, conveying to them her enthusiasm and courage. Rarely does a lawyer deal with economics but Kamala is strong, capable and pragmatic in this area.


She is a very creative person who is a favorite among friends because she is a true and sincere friend. She is happy to share the good she has with her friends. Although she has no children of her own, children love her as much as young, ambitious people for whom she is a role model.


Her ambitions are "healthy" because she feels she has a special mission for the society in which she lives. She wants to be in a position not to have her own power but to be able to do something for the good of society, to make American society just and socially vulnerable.


Although she seems too strict in her public appearances, advocating harsh punishments, she is actually dramatic in order to "wake up" people and encourage them to think and not just accept the imposed injustice.


She is a support to many when it is most difficult and when the battle seems lost.


Kamala Harris is ready for extraordinary efforts and self-discipline even in very difficult conditions. The influence of both her parents who are intellectuals is visible - the late mother who was a very strong woman from India worked on breast cancer research and her father from Jamaica who is her role model as a university professor of economics from whom she inherited talent and has learned knowledge of economics.


Despite the challenges that await her as America’s second person, Vice President Kamala Harris will successfully handle the job in her office. She will know how to choose priorities and she knows the ways to put them into practice. She is the driving force for the president himself and it will not be easy for him to follow her work rhythm. Biden will therefore receive blows in the first year of his term of office, while Kamala will ensure operability. Kamala Harris will provide Americans with better health care in a few months, because she is already ready for that project.


It is interesting to see that Biden and Harris are very favorite people among their friends, that they are both long-lived people who love life even when it is difficult for them.