Let me tell you something about Business astrology
There are more and more business people who realize that education, enterprise, and skills are not enough to achieve success in business.
There is something else that exists on a different, inexplicable level, which has an influence upon the position of the company and market. Many have had personal experience and realize that it is important to be "in the right place at the right time" - but how do we determine this?
Furthermore, many have had the experience that a business partnership can improve a business as well as deter it – but how to know this in time?
We can find the answers to these important questions in business astrology. As a result, business itself becomes less stressful, which gives us more joy and success.
So I highly recommend that if you want to be a successful international company, among other analysts and advisers, you also have to include business astrologer. With help of business astrology guidance you can improve financial aspects, have a great strategy, and improve a personnel (team work) aspects.
My basic education and experience in the area of economy and business astrology is a great tool to help others to find the best business solution.
For additional information and reservations you may e-mail me to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
What do we understand by business astrology?
We examine the key factors that can make your business an extraordinary success. We'll discuss management and employee issues, financial prospects, internal communications, growth potential, marketing, advertising, customer relations, and more. .
- Company’s foundation is information with which I can predict and forecast the future trends of the company.
- Important questions are related to the growth of employees (staff), the analysis of team and team work, and the strategy of running a company.
If you're the owner or manager of a business, this service is for you!
We'll spend approximately two hours together in person by telephone or video call, making sure that you get answers to your most important questions.
For specific advice connected to the company, which you manage or own, please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
DOLCE DOMENICO 13.8.1958 & GABBANA STEFANO 14.11.1962 - Business compatibility:
Dolce and Gabbana share the enthusiasm and idealism for the business.
Together they are popular in the business market and they together have easy to earn large sums of money and they equally easily spend and invest money.
Gabbana has a very progressive (ingenious) and highly efficient ideas which Dolce accepts with enthusiasm,
The division of work and duties between them effectively works on business results.
There is a lot of mutual competition and that stimulates them to exceptional efforts and to the achievement of business goal.
Monthly Business Update
We examine the current factors that are the most likely to impact your business during the next month. It provides a solid focus on your short-term goals as you plan for successful and effective action.
Offer on your request. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yearly Business Update
An annual review of your business – we will review all of the major astrological trends that will come into play during the next year. When you have the greatest opportunities ahead of you?
Offer on your request. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Team Dynamics
We use business astrology to build better partnerships for you. If your business relies on successful teamwork, it pays huge dividends to invest in building better relationships, develop creative approaches to bring you greater harmony, productivity, and profitability.
Through this informative consultation, you can use to explore the prospects of a prospective or existing partnership or work team.
Offer on your request. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Determine Perfect Timing - '' Instead of uncertainty, we can choose scheduling.''
Determine the best possible time for you to take effective action!
Whether you're opening a new business location, launching a marketing campaign, or making an important buying or selling decision, it's vital to take action at the right time.
We'll discuss your options and choose the best alternatives for your unique situation.
Offer on your request. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Astrology is a complex knowledge which serves as a tool to study many different life situations. Apart from being used for personal psychological analysis, astrology is also used to research the market of countries (mundane astrology), identify collective trends, analyse health issues (medical astrology), formulate forecasts for weather, tourism and travel (location astrology), and analyse historical events. These are only a few areas where it is applicable.
Business astrology has drawn a great deal of attention, especially during the economic boom of the 80s when a number of astrologists put together there knowledge of astrology with analytical trends in economy. Business astrology is automatically identified with financial astrology though it covers a much wider area than finance alone.
What do we understand by business astrology?
It can be divided into three areas emphasizing different aspects of astrology.
First of all, bussines astrology deals with economic scenarios. It is generally directed towards financial astrology.
Key questions which are most common for financial astrology include: which sector will develop and which will stagnate (or lose profit) within the following few months, when is it best to be active in the market and what will be the outlook for a specific sector in a given period of time. This branch of business astrology can be added to the work of the economist, for example, astrological analysis in this area includes research into the collapse of the stock market in 1929, 1987, and money turnover in the market for the year 2000.
On the other hand, business astrology analyses the results of shares in firms in the same way as market analytics do. They make an analysis for companies, they research market movement, and development of the firm from its foundation. With this information and knowledge we can predict and forecast the future trends of the company.
Personnell astrology is the third type of business astrology which is related to the growth of employees (staff), the analysis of team and team work, and the strategy of running a company. It is focused mainly on sinastric analysis, team building, and recruiting of young personnel.
For specific advice connected to the firm, which you manage or own, text me on my cell +385 98 257 056 or send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
You will need to provide following information:
Country and place of birth:
Time of birth (year, date, time) and sex:
Details of the other person:
- name, sex;
- country and place of birth;
- type of relationship (family, work, love, etc.)
Your company data:
- founding date and year
- time of founding
- place of founding
- any significant event in the company's history