- Author Andelka Subasic
Work / Business: For you Pisces, a serious period is coming in which you will have to deal with yourself first of all, then with relationships with authorities, then with colleagues, and many of you with major business dilemmas and with everything that gives you a sense of security. How you will feel and which specific topic will be on the agenda depends on your age and your date of birth. You are under 35 years old - you will grumble more than you need to. If you are older, it will be easier for you to adapt because you have already gone through some similar experiences. In 2023, you who were born on February 19th - 26th, have the most pronounced changes that you will not really look forward to. These are not happy and carefree, but are constructive. It means that these lead you in some alternative direction and ask you to renounce and ask you to dive into the depths of business waters. Your role at work is burdened with greater responsibility. Everything will be a little slower for you, but be patient and adapt to the circumstances. Pisces can do this better than any zodiac sign. The most creative year is ahead of you, who were born on March 14th – 18th, but there is one kind of trap - not to stay only in your imagination. Take a step towards your ideas. If they offer you some unusual ways of making a lot of money in business, don't be naive, but be careful. The first 3 months and December of 2023 are extremely busy for you because you will want and have to quickly do a lot. This is tiring and there is a possibility of mistakes and injuries. That's why you think more about yourself and don't constantly prove yourself to others or put your back behind them. The April and May is a nice and pleasant period with less intensity. Summer months July and August are very interesting and you should enjoy the joys of summer.
Love, family, friendships: You always believe in love and it moves you. It is not only love in the romantic sense, but also love for friends, for family, for life, for children, for people in need.
The family will count on you in the first three months and you will therefore be between your obligations and the family. You will be able to do everything only if you calm down a little and slow yourself down. Friends will need you in February and in December, so they will try to use you for their own goals. So be more a friend to yourself than to them. Because if you extend one finger, they will take the whole hand. Learn to say "no" and they will appreciate you more.
Are you in love? - It's time to review your emotions and those of your partner, to see how serious it is.
Some of you Pisces will have to temporarily separate from the person with whom you are in a serious relationship or marriage. The reason is probably of an existential nature, for example, someone goes to work in another city or in another country, or one of you has obligations towards parents who are sick or old. Good things come back to good person.
Message and advice: When your imagination takes hold, give in to it. After that, ground yourself and do something concrete. Selflessly you should love yourself as you the same way love dear people.